Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Awakening To Spirit Healings

Awakening to spirit healings is about my own journey to embracing the life I was born to live. Spirit Healers Awaken is my new business I am working on, to teach and to give away, spirit healing information, training and demonstrations.
Spirit Healing is a form of energy healing. It's very simple in it's application and works very powerfully, as God is the Grand Master Healer. When applying a spirit healing on another person, I teach a ceremony that invites God's direction and also eliminates any negativity that may be absorbed through the ethereal realm.
When moving energy, God directs the cosmic rays emitting from the healer's hands, into the very molecules and cells that need healing the most. These directed energies are most intelligent, for they're made of God's Unconditional Love.
When moving the energetic frequencies of the body, the auric field is transmuted and transformed into the most benefit for the entity that the energies are directed upon. An entity is one of God's creations, made of energy. This God-Given Gift that is completely learn-able and teachable, can be directed towards any living thing or person. God teaches us that humanity's suffering can be alleviated. Let us who are aware that amazing miracles do occur, be of service to humanity. This form of spirit healing is holistic, totally natural, even supernatural and completely free.
Faith healing is what spirit healing is in it's foundation. Focused thoughts and energy shifting, creates a serious reality shift. That's the other part of learning spirit healing to benefit others, is that it has a profound, mystically, magical effect on any person who chooses to share their knowledge. It's also very important to note that each individual already has this ability when asking guidance directly from their very own angels. 
These teachings have the ability to help anyone. I myself am a living example of great miracles, having lived through a near-drowning that makes no sense, as to how I was saved and how it is I am alive. After having had a near-death experience, I returned to this physical dimension, completely changed and 'touched' by the knowledge of the 'other side'.
One of the gifts I came back with is being blessed with knowing how to spirit heal. It has taken me fifteen years and much tribulation, to embrace the gifts. For me, I had to hit bottom to understand what powers I have been given and what to do with them. That answer is to be of service to humanity and prosper in the process.
The catalyst for my awakening to my higher purpose, has been from joining You Wealth Revolution, an Awakening Experiment. Every week, they have live tel-seminars, featuring masters, teachers and healers, whom have all found their calling, to be of service to humanity.
Please join this site for free, to begin learning self-development and the secrets to wealth and prosperity,  as shared by those whom themselves have created abundance, prosperity and health, by awakening to their higher purposes.


You Wealth Revolution Awakening

Monday, February 18, 2013

Healing On The Ethical IM (Internet Marketing) Journey

I have been healing on the ethical IM (Internet Marketing) journey. This book's title could read, 'Search, Find, Healing'. Indeed, this is exactly what has happened to me as I stepped onto the internet marketing journey.
Internet Marketing is called a journey, because, truthfully, it is only through dedication and literally, hours upon hours of self-education and applications, that the path presents itself. The first steps into this journey, really began with a commitment to find out 'how' and 'why can't I', make money online, doing so from the comfort of my own creative environment. That's how it did for me, for I knew there had to be ways to spend my time online, that would beget a goodly, steady income in comparison to no work at all or working all of my time for another person or brand and finding no spiritual fulfillment in the hours upon hours of trading time for money.
I certainly have been getting the education, but what I didn't plan on and what has really happened, is I have experienced a spiritual awakening. Whilst working on the 'how' to set up an internet marketing business, I happened upon self-development.
As a spiritualist, I have traveled and searched many miles for the key to unlocking my potential. I have met many enlightened persons and lived in many extraordinarily beautiful places. In all those miles, I didn't find me and what I was supposed to do with the knowledge once I found out who I was and what my purpose in this physical reality is in my finest form. Low and behold, of course it was inside me, but what the real surprise
has been, is that my patterns and beliefs were locked in my core, down deep beyond my own seeing eyes.
Through self-development, I have been healing and reprogramming myself to let go of generations of abuse and have found the reasons I have not been living the life I was born to live!
Through listening to free programs, recorded or performed live, I was shocked to find there are those who are sharing their very own secrets to self-healing, abundance and sure health. There are about three programs I listen to and 'you wealth revolution', the one listed here, is the main source of my awakening, through their tel-seminars, featuring successful healers and life-coaches.
This has transformed me and I have been involved since November, with four or five days a week of
learned awareness, from many teachers. Each person has had their own transformation and shares what happened in their life, to find their own true source of abundance and abilities to heal.
What this has done for me is instill a sense of confidence and a certain, true knowing of my own potentials and gifts. This has invigorated me and made excited for my future, whilst embracing the imperfect now.
These very real persons, sharing personal information of transformation and constant awakenings, is getting me out of bed with enthusiasm for my day!
Visiting the link below, will go to the sign-up page, to be included in the free sessions. To this day, I haven't yet spent a dime on the wealth of knowledge I have received, about me!


Healing the self, is absolutely possible and I am here to shout it from the rooftops, that my life is getting better!

You Wealth Revolution Awakening


ping fast  my blog, website, or RSS feed for Free

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Self-Development Is The Key To Wealth Sustainability

When I began partaking in online, interview, healing shows, that focus on our greatest intelligence, I learned that being able to learn and grow is what has given me the ability to reprogram my core beliefs. This has strengthened my everyday life. To make good decisions that promote prosperity and abundance, without doubt, fear or guilt, has always been a challenge, until I started transforming, by doing free energy healing sessions. These are offered by healers, who have traveled worldwide to be instrumental in transforming the lives of thousands of individuals.

I have found that my core beliefs and everyday mind is being reprogrammed, by using my conscious and subconscious mind. Healing myself, utilizing gifts of energy, as given by my creator, has been in using my imagination. The real truth is everything created in the physical form, started as an idea, within the mind. Imagine having an idea and bringing it to life, making the choice to add something positive, to the human race.

One theme in common with those who are of service, seems to be the peace that has led them to a full and balanced, quality of life. I am living for that and have been working on the self-development necessary, to open the possibility of the grand purpose in my life.

Which goes for each and every one of us. For certain ways in living to sustainable abundance, I now am looking for the good in this survivalist place I was born into as a human being. I have  found inner gratitude, thereby, I have an abundant attitude. 

This is the Awakening Show that has helped me focus on my personal power, to be of service and embrace wealth without boundaries.

You Wealth Revolution Awakening 2013 

Sunday, January 27, 2013

I Am In IM (Internet Marketing)

Six months ago I determined to write a blog a day, with room for a day or two here and there to accommodate life. Life ended up not as I planned, at all. Going almost homeless for six months certainly put the ca-bash on having a schedule, of any sort or kind. 
When I first began blogging about a year ago, I was disabled. I still am in recovery from a life-saving surgery many years late, but I am getting better. Basically all my adult life has been lived through the mechanisms of a diseased body that was dulling my light, but no more. My light grows everyday, now that I perceive protection by my angels of mercy and understanding. This means I have had to surrender desperation and begin the spiritual practice of embracing what good I could find in my situation.
Alas, as God created me, God has enacted miracles, making sure I lived, in this body. I was forced to come face to face with myself. I didn't like me, thus I became very angry. Why was I supposed to be alive? Why did God save me through many near-death experiences? Why did I have to live to be different among-st my peers and family? 
I totally blamed everyone else and especially the powers that be, for allowing the situation to have happened. Then I began to listen to self-development experts and energy healers, who were teaching the core principles of what had helped them through their life-harrowing experiences. Immediately, I learned that first of all, not being of sound heart, mind or body, it was no wonder I was making bad decisions,that were natural determinants of my future. Nobody is to blame. Second of all, when I gave up for a while, it was completely understandable. Nobody is to blame.
That was a wow moment. Until then, I actually thought I was to blame for making myself ill on purpose or that God wasn't watching out for me and I deserved to suffer; total misnomers, based on perception. I also blamed all those whom I considered contributors to my demise, making me solitary and mean. Of course, add to it that I have not worked for income in years.
I applied for social assistance in 2007, when I no longer could work because of illness. After appealing many times plus a court hearing in front of a judge, I did not receive any social security assistance. Then evictions began in 2008 and continued, until last summer when I found myself in a friend's tiny, tiny, rv; no refrigerator, no cooking and limited room. I knew I had hit bottom. In all my life, I never would have believed that I could ever, ever, end up in a situation like that. 
I was still too ill to work, my few family members were and are, all too messed up themselves to help me, my friends burnt out on me, my former fiance went to a shelter and blamed me. Heavy, heavy stuff that had the potential for me to have ideas of not wanting to live.
But, here I Am! At this time, I am not quite out of where I've been, to be where I want to be, but certainly I Am renewed, faithfully determined and mostly rejuvenated. Strange things have  happened to deliver me to this fresh, new outlook, thank you, God!
Whilst in the rv, when I could get my 'ol betty computer to work with the wifi, I was led, through my internet marketing, to those who are of service to humanity, utilizing the internet and social sharing platforms. 
All who are on an internet marketing journey, must be for success, promoting chosen products; there are some who are of service as well. I am talking about those who have shared  with us seekers, the illuminated path, that leads to the end of the rainbow where the pot of gold awaits, personally inscribed, for those of us who reach the destination. Victory! 
Mentors and lightworkers, on our Great Mother Earth, have offered ways to our own personal success. I have learned to know what I need and want, to be my own parent, to show up for myself and to take action when necessary to create change. I am no longer waiting for someone to step in and give me the things I know I need, to resonate a life of quality and personal peace. Instead, I Receive.
Big Deal! I Receive...
As it turns out, in researching, then doing, self-development, it became clear that me, myself and I, helped to create the conditions that surrounded me, in order to wake myself up! Whew! I'm still not living the perfect life, and granted, where I am is still temporary, but as I am moving again, I will be able to call my new place, home.
Self-development is the key. One healer I listened very closely to, who has done about ten thousand healings, has basically proven, that our adult blueprint is created before the age of seven! Then I heard the same thing from other healers that have nothing to do with each other, but have happened upon the same fact. This means time to heal what happened then, in order to move on to what happened after, to move on to what is happening now! 
This is when my transformation really began! Even though it has now been about 3 months of training, the secret has been in my Now! Now is where my breath is, Now is where my changes happen! Indeed, I am a different person than whom I have been all my life and I like Me!
Alas, I had a history of self-sabotage, meaning I was setting myself up for failure, in my chosen career of ethical internet marketing. I am still considered a newbie and still haven't made my first thousand. All that's alright, because without having this new solid foundation of faith in myself, all the money in the world would have disappeared and my patterns of self-defeat would have kept reoccurring. Instead, I isolate the bad, twisted memories and core-beliefs of myself, then heal them, all the way back, even to previous generations. I can recreate my life based on how I see it, Now!
Receiving the goodness in life was a great big hurdle as I didn't think I deserved wealth and health, but all of the sudden, upon change of perception, there has been abundance without rules or limitations. Next steps are continue blogging and marketing for success; I do have a blog under jenna t webb, my internet marketing name, but here is where I really get personal. This is an offering to myself, to let it out. I can be of service as well. I have a lot to give. 
I have posted the link to one of the groups I am a member of that has been instrumental in teaching me how to live as a vibrant, healthy, wealthy, person. I strive to share my personal abundance and look forward to getting ahead. 
Finally, I am full of gratitude for God's protection and unconditional love, my self-love, love for my friends and family, love for the animals, love for Mother Earth and all inhabitants, trees and all. 
Blessed, I Am.

Jennifer T Webb


Here’s What’s Happening: This community, myself and 100,000+ people in over 
110 countries are dedicated to 


Its Mission:  To Create ‘INSTANT Awakenings’ in People All Over the World…

AWAKEN the self within you that is already ABUNDANT, HAPPY and FREE…
- ACTIVATE what some call ‘higher powers’ in you…by simply accepting them…
- ENERGETICALLY CLEAR friends and relatives (even remotely)…
- UNDERSTAND how people create personal 'MIRACLES'     

Click This Link To Find Out More! It's Free Too!