Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Awakening To Spirit Healings

Awakening to spirit healings is about my own journey to embracing the life I was born to live. Spirit Healers Awaken is my new business I am working on, to teach and to give away, spirit healing information, training and demonstrations.
Spirit Healing is a form of energy healing. It's very simple in it's application and works very powerfully, as God is the Grand Master Healer. When applying a spirit healing on another person, I teach a ceremony that invites God's direction and also eliminates any negativity that may be absorbed through the ethereal realm.
When moving energy, God directs the cosmic rays emitting from the healer's hands, into the very molecules and cells that need healing the most. These directed energies are most intelligent, for they're made of God's Unconditional Love.
When moving the energetic frequencies of the body, the auric field is transmuted and transformed into the most benefit for the entity that the energies are directed upon. An entity is one of God's creations, made of energy. This God-Given Gift that is completely learn-able and teachable, can be directed towards any living thing or person. God teaches us that humanity's suffering can be alleviated. Let us who are aware that amazing miracles do occur, be of service to humanity. This form of spirit healing is holistic, totally natural, even supernatural and completely free.
Faith healing is what spirit healing is in it's foundation. Focused thoughts and energy shifting, creates a serious reality shift. That's the other part of learning spirit healing to benefit others, is that it has a profound, mystically, magical effect on any person who chooses to share their knowledge. It's also very important to note that each individual already has this ability when asking guidance directly from their very own angels. 
These teachings have the ability to help anyone. I myself am a living example of great miracles, having lived through a near-drowning that makes no sense, as to how I was saved and how it is I am alive. After having had a near-death experience, I returned to this physical dimension, completely changed and 'touched' by the knowledge of the 'other side'.
One of the gifts I came back with is being blessed with knowing how to spirit heal. It has taken me fifteen years and much tribulation, to embrace the gifts. For me, I had to hit bottom to understand what powers I have been given and what to do with them. That answer is to be of service to humanity and prosper in the process.
The catalyst for my awakening to my higher purpose, has been from joining You Wealth Revolution, an Awakening Experiment. Every week, they have live tel-seminars, featuring masters, teachers and healers, whom have all found their calling, to be of service to humanity.
Please join this site for free, to begin learning self-development and the secrets to wealth and prosperity,  as shared by those whom themselves have created abundance, prosperity and health, by awakening to their higher purposes.


You Wealth Revolution Awakening