Internet Marketing is called a journey, because, truthfully, it is only through dedication and literally, hours upon hours of self-education and applications, that the path presents itself. The first steps into this journey, really began with a commitment to find out 'how' and 'why can't I', make money online, doing so from the comfort of my own creative environment. That's how it did for me, for I knew there had to be ways to spend my time online, that would beget a goodly, steady income in comparison to no work at all or working all of my time for another person or brand and finding no spiritual fulfillment in the hours upon hours of trading time for money.
I certainly have been getting the education, but what I didn't plan on and what has really happened, is I have experienced a spiritual awakening. Whilst working on the 'how' to set up an internet marketing business, I happened upon self-development.
As a spiritualist, I have traveled and searched many miles for the key to unlocking my potential. I have met many enlightened persons and lived in many extraordinarily beautiful places. In all those miles, I didn't find me and what I was supposed to do with the knowledge once I found out who I was and what my purpose in this physical reality is in my finest form. Low and behold, of course it was inside me, but what the real surprise
has been, is that my patterns and beliefs were locked in my core, down deep beyond my own seeing eyes.
Through self-development, I have been healing and reprogramming myself to let go of generations of abuse and have found the reasons I have not been living the life I was born to live!
Through listening to free programs, recorded or performed live, I was shocked to find there are those who are sharing their very own secrets to self-healing, abundance and sure health. There are about three programs I listen to and 'you wealth revolution', the one listed here, is the main source of my awakening, through their tel-seminars, featuring successful healers and life-coaches.
This has transformed me and I have been involved since November, with four or five days a week of
learned awareness, from many teachers. Each person has had their own transformation and shares what happened in their life, to find their own true source of abundance and abilities to heal.
What this has done for me is instill a sense of confidence and a certain, true knowing of my own potentials and gifts. This has invigorated me and made excited for my future, whilst embracing the imperfect now.
These very real persons, sharing personal information of transformation and constant awakenings, is getting me out of bed with enthusiasm for my day!
Visiting the link below, will go to the sign-up page, to be included in the free sessions. To this day, I haven't yet spent a dime on the wealth of knowledge I have received, about me!
Healing the self, is absolutely possible and I am here to shout it from the rooftops, that my life is getting better!